Makayla Walker x Rusty Barrel Vodka 700ml
Distilled in the heart of Sydney, Rusty Barrel's premium vodka is made from a base of Australian wheat and pure Australian water. This super smooth vodka has been processed using a unique carbon filtration system that results in a delightfully silky mouth feel with subtle, sweet grain character highlights.
Tasting notes: This super smooth vodka has a complex nose of honey, light
butterscotch, vanilla cream and stone fruits. Full-bodied palate with some red fruit character and orange rind on the finish. It has got everything you would expect from a wheat based vodka - delivers throughout the whole sip.
Size: 700ml
ABV: 40%
Best served straight over ice or in your favourite cocktail.
Gold - San Francisco World Spirits Competition - 2021
Gold - 95pts - IWSC International Wine & Spirits Competition 2021
Silver - London Spirits Competition 2021
Gold - San Francisco World Spirits Design Competition - 2021
Silver - Melbourne International Spirits Competition - 2021