White Rusty Barrel Vodka 700ml
Distilled in the heart of Sydney, Rusty Barrel's premium vodka is made from a base of Australian wheat and pure Australian water. This super smooth vodka has been processed using a unique carbon filtration system that results in a delightfully silky mouth feel with subtle, sweet grain character highlights.
Rusty Barrel Vodka is not your everyday vodka. The combination of extraordinary artwork on the barrel shaped bottle and metallic skull bottle stopper, enhance the visual experience and take you on a journey with a uniquely Australian feel.
Not for the faint hearted and a must for your home liquor cabinet or behind the bar at any trendy nightspot. Drink cautiously...
Tasting notes: This super smooth vodka has a complex nose of honey, light
butterscotch, vanilla cream and stone fruits. Full-bodied palate with some red fruit character and orange rind on the finish. It has got everything you would expect from a wheat based vodka - delivers throughout the whole sip.
Size: 700ml
ABV: 40%
Best served straight over ice or in your favourite cocktail.
Gold - San Francisco World Spirits Competition - 2021
Gold - 95pts - IWSC International Wine & Spirits Competition 2021
Silver - London Spirits Competition 2021
Gold - San Francisco World Spirits Design Competition - 2021
Silver - Melbourne International Spirits Competition - 2021
Standard delivery (2-8 business days) - $10
Express delivery - $15
Standard delivery - $20